🪙GANN Token

Tokenomics Structure

  • Total Supply: GANNTEC has a limited total supply of 1,000,000 $GANN tokens. This finite number ensures scarcity and exclusivity.

  • Trading Limitations: To maintain a fair and secure trading environment, the following limits have been put in place:

    • Maximum Transaction: 1% of Total Supply

    • Maximum Wallet Holdings: 2.5% of Total Supply

Buy / Sell tax


Tax Mechanisms

Each transaction involving $GANN tokens is subject to a tax. The tax serves multiple purposes, including liquidity provision and the support of ongoing operations and rewards:

  • Buy Tax: A 5% tax is levied on all purchases of $GANN tokens.

  • Sell Tax: Similarly, a 5% tax is charged on all sales of $GANN tokens.

Tax Allocation

The collected tax is then distributed according to the following ratios:

  • Liquidity Pool: 1% of the tax is directed towards liquidity, ensuring that there is always sufficient market depth for $GANN.

  • GANNTEC Distribution Contract (GDC): The remaining 4% of the tax goes into the GDC for token distribution among eligible holders and for team/development.

GANNTEC Distribution Contract (GDC)

The GDC is the backbone for distribution in the GANNTEC ecosystem. It is designed to manage and automate the allocation of tokens based on predefined parameters:

Revenue Sharing Pools


  • Revenue Sharing Pools: 25% of the tokens in the GDC are allocated for future revenue sharing among eligible token holders. These rewards will be activated and distributed when the revenue sharing system is live.

  • Team, Development and Marketing Fund: 75% of the tokens in the GDC are earmarked for the ongoing growth and enhancement of the GANNTEC ecosystem, which includes team compensation and development costs.

All percentages and ratios mentioned are subject to change, based on platform growth and strategic direction.

Additional Notes

While the revenue sharing system is currently under development, the tax mechanism ensures that all tokenomics-related aspects like liquidity and fair distribution through GDC are effectively handled.

Last updated